
And it shall be in the latter days that the mountain of the House of YHWH is established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills. And all nations shall flow to it. And many peoples shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of YHWH, to the House of the Mighty One of Ya'aqob, and let Him teach us His ways, and let us walk in His paths, for out of Tsiyon comes forth the Torah, and the Word of YHWH from Yahrushalayim." Yeshayah 2:2-3
If you would like to contact The Remnant Ministry by phone, you can call 757-287-2771
You can also write to us at The Remnant Ministry, P.O. Box 260, Greenback, Tennessee 37742
If you prefer email, the address is theremnantministry@msn.com
Our goal is to expose the hidden works of darkness, to turn the hearts
of the fathers to the children, and
the disobedient to the insight of the righteous, to make ready a people prepared for YHWH.
the disobedient to the insight of the righteous, to make ready a people prepared for YHWH.
Malaki 4:6, Luke 1:17
The Remnant Ministry would like to offer its appreciation to Joe McLeary for helping us to launch this website.
Much thanks to you and we ask YHWH to prosper you.
Much thanks to you and we ask YHWH to prosper you.
Dirty Words
These are misused, unrighteous substitutions added to or taken away from His word (the unclean
lip of Yeshayah). This list is evolving as well as ongoing and we welcome any relevant contributions.
lip of Yeshayah). This list is evolving as well as ongoing and we welcome any relevant contributions.
Amen - Substitution for the correct word "Amein" a scriptural Hebrew word that means so be it. The Egyptians worshipped a sun deity called Amen-Ra who was once known as just AMEN by the Greeks.
Angel - The word angel originated from the Greek word angelos which means messenger. Angels are believed to be supernatural beings who acted as mediators between God and men. Angels are found within three religions which are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Baptism - From the Greek word baptizein, to dip. Originally it referred to dyeing fabric but came to be used by Pagans for initiation ceremonies using water or blood.
Bible - This word was originally Phoenician, then passed into Greek, and then Latin. It means books in Greek. It is nowhere to be found in the Scriptures - just on the cover. If your Scriptures have maps in the back, check for a Phoenician port city called Byblos. This city was named Byblos because the Phoenician fertility idol BIBLIA was worshipped there, in a temple dedicated in her honor. Byblos exported writing paper so scrolls came to be called after the name of the city.
Bless - Originates from the Old English word bletsian or bledsian which means to consecrate, make holy or give thanks; and from Germanic blodison which means to mark with blood (by sprinkling it on pagan altars).
Cereal - Demeter was a daughter of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, sister of the goddesses Hestia and Hera, and the gods Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. The Romans referred to Demeter as CERES. Demeter (Ceres) was known as the goddess of grain, fertility and agriculture.
Christian -is a person who adheres to Christianity, a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christ is a Greek word translated from the Hebrew term Messiah.
Church - Based on the Greek deity's name, CIRCE. Circe was famous among pagans for turning men into pigs, or other animals using drugs.
Charm - Derived from the Old French word charme which means magic charm, magic, spell, incantation, song, lamentation; and the Latin word carmen which means song, verse, and enchantment.
Crucifix - Comes from Latin cruci fixus meaning (one) fixed to a cross. The crucifix is a principal symbol for many groups of Christians. It is especially important in the Latin Church, but is also used in Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, as well as in Anglican, Methodist, and Lutheran churches (though less often in Protestant churches. For the celebration of mass, the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church requires that, "on or close to the altar there is to be a cross with a figure of Christ crucified."
Divine - The root of the word, div, means bright or to shine and is derived from the bright Sky-deity or Sun-deity. Also, the feminine moon-goddess DIANA was also known as DIVIANA.
Earth - TERRA (Roman), GAIA (Greek), Rhea, Ops, Hel, Hera, Demeter and Europa are just some of the names of Earth. Earth has been the universal Goddess Mother and the source of all mythologies. Earth was a Goddess for the medieval witches, who continued her worship against the instructions of the church.
Faith - The English word is thought to date from 1200-1250, from the Middle English feith, via Anglo-French fed, Old French feid, feit from Latin fidem, accusative of fides (trust), akin to fidere (to trust).
Fortune - FORTUNA (the equivalent to the Greek goddess Tyche) was the goddess of fortune and personification of luck in Roman religion. She was also a goddess of fate.
Glory - When the Greeks translated the Hebrew Old Testament they changed the word kabod, which means honor and esteem, to glory. The concept of the word glory in religious symbolism is that of the emanation or radiance of light, as of the sun.
God - A common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship. God was formerly applicable to superhuman beings of heathen myth. On conversion of Teutonic races to Christianity, the word was applied to a supreme being.
Good - Old English god (with a long "o") meaning "virtuous, desirable or valid.
Gospel - This word is old English and is really two words crammed together: GOD & SPEL. The Teutonic Celts worshipped the sun with word "god" which was used because it was already a familiar word to them, coming from the Greek translation. The second part of the word "spel" is also Celtic in origin. It means incantation, speech, news or message.
Grace - Based on the Latin word, gratia. Preachers often give people false security by claiming we live in the "Age of Grace", but this is not supported by any Scriptural verse. Catholicism set up a dispensational method of dispensing grace through seven sacraments. This gave the clergy compete control of the people.
Happy - Originates from JUPITER or Jove, King of the Roman gods. We get "jovial" from the word Jove, one of the forms of the name Jupiter, which means "born under the lucky planet, Jupiter, and therefore happy and healthy." From Greek to Irish, a great majority of the European words for happy at first meant lucky or favored by fortune.
Heaven - Old English heofon "home of God," earlier "sky, firmament," probably from Proto-Germanic hibin, Low German heben, Dutch hemel, or German Himmel.
Hell - In Norse mythology, HEL is the name of Loki's daughter, who rules over the evil dead in Niflheim, the lowest of all worlds.
Holy - This word became used instead of the Hebrew term qodesh, which means set-apart. To a Pagan, holy relates to the word halo, a glowing nimbus seen on statues and pictures. The halo was to associate the statue of the glowing deity with the yellow sun.
Hope - Hope can first be seen in ancient Greek mythology with the story of ZEUS and PROMETHEUS. Prometheus stole fire from the god Zeus, which infuriated the supreme god. In turn, Zeus created a box that contained all manners of evil, unbeknownst to the receiver of the box. PANDORA opened the box after being warned not to, and those evils were released into the world; hope, which lay at the bottom of the box, remained. This is the beginning of the tale of hope.
Jesus - The letter "J" didn't exist in any language until the 15th century, at which time printing styles differentiated the letter "i" when it was used at the beginning of a sentence, or the first letter in a proper name. They gave the "i" a little tail and which made a new letter.
Joy - One of The Three Graces, or Three Charities, of Greek mythology were AGLAIA, EUPHROSYNE, and THALIA. They were the goddesses of joy, pleasure, grace, beauty, festivity, adornment, dance, and song. Daughters of ZEUS, they were also the attendants, or handmaidens, of APHRODITE and HERA and protectors of vegetation.
Liberty - Originates from Old French liberty "freedom and liberty"; and from Latin libertatem (nominative libertas) "condition of a free man".
Lord - the Hebrew word is BAAL which was a word used as a proper name for the sun deity by the Canaanites, Phoenicians and Druids. Names containing Bel are references to the Pagan deity and Belial is another name for Satan.
Love - English word for ancient Greek Eros. EROS (or his Latin counterpart Cupid) was the god of love; and mythology depicted the use of "love arrows" to pierce the object of one's desire.
Luck - Comes from early Middle Dutch luc, shortening of gheluc which means happiness and good fortune. It has cognates in Dutch geluk and German Gl?ck which means fortune and good luck. Luk is also an ancient root for "light" and is related to LOKI the Scandinavian god of fire who was known for causing trouble.
Pancake - In Greek religion and mythology, PAN is the god of the wild, nature, rustic music, and companion of the nymphs. His name originates within the ancient Greek language meaning "to pasture." He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a satyr.
Pray - The Hebrew word Tefilah is generally translated into English as the word "prayer." But this is not an accurate translation, for to pray means to beg, beseech, implore, and the like. The word "pray" comes from the Latin word precari, which simply means to entreat or ask.
Rosaries - The prayer beads that monks and nuns wear, and are sold to the laity in Catholicism, originated with pagans and are very common among Buddhists and Muslims. Catholics pray to Mary with these beads but this practice should be condemned because prayer to any entity other than The Creator is forbidden according to His word.
Sacred/Sacrifice - These words are compounded and derived from the word Sakra which can be traced back to Sanskrit. INDRA SAKRA was the leader of gods and the god of rain and thunderstorms in the Hindu religion.
Sun - Babylonians worshipped the sun calling it DAGAN which later was Dagon to the Philistines. Dagan was half-man and half-fish originally a fertility god who evolved into a major Northwest Semitic god, reportedly of grain (as symbol of fertility) and fish and/or fishing (as symbol of multiplying).
Tithing - Was established to look after widows and orphans and to feed the Lewites. False teachers will tell you that the tithe is needed so they can spread the gospel and to provide a building within which to worship.
Trinity - Since Pagan religions were (and are) based on sex, the father-mother-child triad was common to them all. Here are a few trinities from the past:
- Babylonian - Baal, Semiramis, Tammuz
- Greek - Zeus, Demeter, Persephone
- Roman - Zeus, Venus, Cupid
- Celtic - Baal, Ceridwen, Thor
Very - The Latin root word ver means "truth" or "true." This root is the word origin of a fair number of English vocabulary words. The root ver is easily recalled through the word very, for when something is very good, it's "truly" good. The Latin word "veritas" also means truth. From that veri- root we get words like "verify", "verily", and "veritable". In Roman mythology VERITAS was the goddess of truth, and a daughter of Saturn.
Victory - In Greek mythology NIKE, which means victory, was a goddess who was also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory. The Roman equivalent was Victoria.
Wish - The origin of the word is Old English wyscan, of Germanic origin, related to German wunschen.
- 1. Abbot
- 2. Apostle
- 3. Archbishop
- 4. Ayatollah
- 5. Bishop
- 6. Cantor
- 7. Cardinal
- 8. Chaplain
- 9. Deacon
- 10. Doctor
- 11. Elder
- 12. Friar
- 13. Grand Mufti
- 14. Guru
- 15. High Priest
- 16. Imam
- 17. Lama
- 18. Minister
- 19. Monk
- 20. Monsignor
- 21. Padre
- 22. Pastor
- 23. Pope
- 24. Preacher
- 25. Prelate
- 26. Priest
- 27. Rabbi
- 28. Rector
- 29. Reverend
- 30. Roshi
- 31. Santero
- 32. Shaman
- 33. Sheikh
- 34. Swami
- 35. Vicar
Clergy Critters:
Days of The Week and Their Definition:
Sunday - From Latin, dies solis, the Day-of-the-Sun. The sun is associated with an ancient sun god MITHRAS.
Monday - From Latin, lunae dies, which means the Day-of-the-Moon. The moon is identified with ARTEMIS (Diana).
Tuesday - Originates from Tyr's Day: "day of Tiu", a Teutonic Druid-Celtic Idol. TYR or Tiu was the Norse deity of war. The Romans called him Mars.
Wednesday - Gives honor to WODEN (or Odin) who was highly skilled in magic.
Thursday - In Norse mythology, THOR was a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, and storms.
Friday - Old English Frigedaeg. This was called Frey Day or Frigga Day. FRIGGA was the wife of Woden.
Saturday - This was the Greco-Roman Day of Saturn. SATURN was the Romans' deity of Agriculture.
Names of The Months and Their Definition:
January - Named for the domestic deity JANUS. Janus was usually depicted as a two-faced god and was associated with entryways, beginnings and transitions.
February - Represents the female idol FEBRUA. It is also said that it represents Februalia, which was the Roman festival of ritual purification.
March - Named for the Roman war deity MARS.
April - Is the month of Venus also called Aphro in Greek which gives honor to APHRODITE the goddess of love.
May - This month was named for the fertility deity MAIA.
June - Was the month dedicated to JUNO, a female Roman deity who was the daughter of Saturn but also the wife and sister of Jupiter.
July - This month was dedicated toJULIUS CAESAR, the first emperor. He was honored as a deity, son of the sun.
August - Is a Latin word that means celebrated or impressive. GAIUS OCTAVIUS took the name Augustus Caesar after becoming emperor and had his name used for this month to honor himself.
September - Septem means seven in Latin.
October - Latin Octo means eight.
November - This month was Novembris, from the Latin word novem, meaning nine.
December - Latin Decembris comes from the number decem, which means ten.
List of Appointed Times and Important Feasts:
- Pesach (Passover) - Spring
- Chag Hamotz (Feast of Unleavened Bread) - Spring
- Yom Habikkurim (Feast of First Fruits) - Spring
- Shabua (Pentecost or Feast of Weeks) - Summer
- Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) - Fall
- Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) - Fall
- Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles or Festival of Booths) - Fall
Examples of Scriptures & Names That Have Been Changed:
- B'reisheet/Genesis
- Bemidbar/Numbers
- Debarim/Deuteronomy
- Hadassah/Esther
- Haz'n/Revelation
- Ibrim/Hebrews
- Kepha/Pete
- Mattithyah/Matthew
- Melakim/Kings
- Sh'm't/Exodus
- Sh'phetim/Judges
- Shemuyah/Samuel
- Tehillim/Psalms
- Wayikra/Leviticus
- Y'hanan/John
- Ya'aq'b/James
- Yahshua/Joshua
- Yehezqiyah/Ezekiel
- Yeshiyah/Isaiah
- Yirmeyah/Jeremiah
- Zekaryah/Zachariah
Examples of Man Made Observances:
Christmas - A week of feasting was held in Rome, dedicated to SATURN and was called Saturnalia. It was known for exuberant festivities given to orgies and drunkenness leading up to the festival of Christmas which is pagan in origin and celebrated the birthday of the sun deity MITHRAS, not the Messiah. The date of our Messiah's birth is calculated to be in the fall, not winter. In any case, we are not commanded to remember the day of His birth, rather to remember the day of his death.
Easter - OSTARA (Astarte or Ishtar) was the goddess of spring. Every April a festival was celebrated in her honor. When Christianity put the old gods aside, this festival was celebrated in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ but was still called Easter after the old goddess! The festival involved the rites of spring and used fertility symbols such as eggs, rabbits and hot cross buns.
Father's Day - Was inspired by Mother's Day. In July 19, 1910, the governor of the U.S. state of Washington proclaimed the nation's first "Father's Day." However, it was not until 1972, 58 years after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother's Day official, that the day became a nationwide holiday in the United States.
Halloween - Comes from two Celtic words Hallowed Evening which came from "All Hallowed's Ev'n". The root of this festival comes from Druid demon worship. Witches were said to fly brooms over crops to teach them how to grow. The ritual that people embrace as Halloween was originally called the FEAST of the DEAD.
Mothers Day - The "Mother's Day" we celebrate today has its origins in the peace-and-reconciliation campaigns of the post-Civil War era. In 1870, the activist Julia Ward Howe issued a "Mother's Day Proclamation". However, Mother's Day did not become a commercial holiday until 1908, when--inspired by Jarvis's daughter Anna, who wanted to honor her own mother by making Mother's Day a national holiday--the John Wanamaker department store in Philadelphia sponsored a service dedicated to mothers in its auditorium. Thanks in large part to this association with retailers, who saw great potential for profit in the holiday, Mother's Day caught on right away.
New Years Day - The Roman emperor Julius Caesar first established January 1 as New Year's day. JANUS was the Roman god of doors and gates so Caesar felt that the month named after this god would be the appropriate "door" to the year. Caesar celebrated the first January 1 New Year by ordering the violent routing of revolutionary Jewish forces in the Galilee. Eyewitnesses say blood flowed in the streets. In later years, Roman pagans observed the New Year by engaging in drunken orgies-a ritual they believed constituted a personal re-enacting of the chaotic world that existed before the cosmos was ordered by the gods.
St. Patrick's Day - The Day of the Festival of Patrick is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on March 17. It is named after Saint Patrick the most commonly recognized of the patron saints of Ireland. Saint Patrick's Day was made an official Christian feast day in the early seventeenth century and is observed by the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion (especially the Church of Ireland), the Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutheran Church. The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, as well as celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. Celebrations generally involve public parades and festivals, and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks. Christians also attend church services, and the Lenten restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol are lifted for the day, which has encouraged and propagated the holiday's tradition of alcohol consumption.
Thanksgiving - The event that Americans commonly call the "First Thanksgiving" was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in 1621. This feast lasted three days, and was attended by Native Americans and Pilgrims. Seventeenth-century accounts do not identify this as a Thanksgiving observance, rather a harvest festival. It became an official Federal holiday in 1863, when, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens".
Valentine's Day - From Feb. 13 to 15, the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. The men sacrificed a goat and a dog, and then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain. Young women would actually line up for the men to hit them. They believed this would make them fertile. Emperor Claudius II executed two men - both named Valentine - on Feb. 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D. Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day. Later, Pope Gelasius I muddled things in the 5th century by combining St. Valentine's Day with Lupercalia to expel the pagan rituals.
Examples of Unclean Symbols:
Cross/Crucify - The words "cross" and "crucify" are nowhere to be found in the scriptures. These words are mistranslations of the Greek words stauros and stauroo. Stauros denotes an upright pole or stake, and stauroo means to fasten to a stake or pole. The shape of the two-beamed cross originated in Babylon and was used as the symbol of the god TAMMUZ.
Fish - This symbol represents Augustine's attempt to adopt yet another element of pagan worship in the Church. "Christianizing" pagan practices, pagan emblems and pagan deities was routine. Augustine childishly said that "if you combine the initial letters of the five Greek words, which are Iesous Chreistos Theou Uios Soter, Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior, they make the word ichthus (ichthys) which means fish. Ichthys was also the name of a son of the ancient sea-goddess Atargatis who was a mermaid.
Fleur-de-lis - Descended from Gaulish symbols of the Lily Maid, another form of the Virgin JUNO whose emblem was also a lily. The flower originally represented the Goddess's power of self-fertilization, when Juno used her magic lily to conceive her son Mars without any male assistance.
Halo - The luminous circle of light used for centuries by artists to crown the heads of saints and spiritual leaders was originally not a christian symbol but a pagan one, and is the origin of the royal crown worn by kings. Early kings wore these crowns to stress both their special contact with a god and the divine authority invested in them. The halo was such a pagan symbol that early Christians discouraged artists from depicting a martyr's holiness with the image.
Obelisk - Is a stone pillar, typically having a square or rectangular cross section and a pyramidal top. In heathen religion the obelisk was an ancient phallic symbol honoring and celebrating the regeneration of the sun god RA (Egypt's greatest deity). The peak or point of the obelisk was the first spot the sun's rays hit when rising in the sky, which the pagans believed symbolized re-birth.
Pentagrams - Pentagrams were used as an important religious symbol by the Babylonians and by the Pythagoreans in ancient Greece. Several faiths also associate the pentagram with magic. Christians in the past commonly used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus, and it has associations with Freemasonry. Masonry uses the five-pointed star as one of its "secret" symbols.
Sign of the Cross - The sign of HERMES was the original sign of the cross that Christians traced on their heads and breasts, that is, the numeral 4, which was Hermes' sacred number. He was known as the Fourfold God but had several other names including Mercury.
Star of David - The familiar six-pointed star has only been used as a symbol of Judaism for a few hundred years. The symbol had nothing to do King David but was used in the practices of magicians during Solomon's day. The star eventually became the Jewish counterpart of the Christian cross. In 1882, the Rothschild banking family adopted the Star of David as its coat of arms and in 1948 it came the central figure in the flag of the new State of Israel.
Steeple - Spires have been included in church buildings since the conversion of Constantine and his proclamation making Christianity the official religion of his state. They show the influence of phallus-worshipers, including ancient Israelite and Canaanite tribes. When Christianity was gaining strength in its early years, priests and practitioners often adopted local traditions, religious symbols and beliefs as a way to convert non-Christians.
- About.com
- Ask.com
- Come Out of Her My People by C.J. Koster
- Fossilized Customs by Lew White
- Sacred Origins of Profound Things by Charles Panati
- The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects by Barbara G. Walker
- Wikipedia
Educational Materials
Our educational materials package consists of all three books listed below, for only $75.00, which includes shipping and handling costs. Any donations above that amount will be used for radio time.
1. The Scriptures - published by the Institute for Scripture Research and are a more accurate transliteration of the TeNaK.
2. Fossilized Customs - by Lew White, which gives the pagan sources for all of today's popular customs.
3. Come Out of Her My People - by C.J. Koster, presents a challenge to all seekers of truth to learn the real message and come out of the confusion left us by our ancestors.
2. Fossilized Customs - by Lew White, which gives the pagan sources for all of today's popular customs.
3. Come Out of Her My People - by C.J. Koster, presents a challenge to all seekers of truth to learn the real message and come out of the confusion left us by our ancestors.
Make out your check or money order to Philip Glover and send it to The Remnant Ministry at the address listed below.
Also, If you would like a CD of any our WKGM broadcasts, please mail an offering in any amount to Philip Glover at:
The Remnant Ministry
P.O. Box 260
Greenback, TN 37742
Your offering will help pay for our radio time.
Thank you.
Broadcast Schedule
Day Number Corresponds with Pagan Day of the Week
Broadcast Times Are Eastern Standard Time
Day | Time | Call Letters | Freq/Band | Area | |
1 | 3:00 p.m. | WWCR2 [see link below] |
Frequency 12.160 | Global | |
2 | 5:00 p.m. | GSRadio [see link below] |
(Star 3) [call the listen line's @ (605) 615-4096/(518) 931-1056/(518) 896-1646] |
American and Caribbean | |
3 | 4:00 p.m. | WWCR2 [see link below] |
Frequency 9.350 | Global | |
4 | 8:00 p.m. | WWCR3 [see link below] |
Frequency 4.840 | Global | |
5 | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA | |
6 | 8:00 p.m. | WWCR3 [see link below] |
Frequency 4.840 | Global | |
7 | 10:00 a.m. | WWCR2 [see link below] |
Frequency 7.490 | Global |
12 / 1 (Hebrew) *** 1 / 31 / 2025 (christian)
R'SH H'DESH Head of the "Month" (New "Moon" Day) Bemidbar (Numbers) 28:9 - 15, Yeshiyh (Isaiah) 66:1 - 24, 1 Kepha (1 Pet.) 2:4 - 10
12 / 8 (Hebrew) *** 2 / 7 / 2025 (christian)
NITSABIM you are standing D'barim (Deuteronomy) 29:10 - 30:20, Yeshiyh (Isaiah) 61:10 - 63:9, Y'ha'nan (John) 15:1 - 11SHABBAT ZACH'R remember! (what Amalek did to you) D'barim (Deuteronomy) 25:17 - 19, Shemuyh (1 Samuel) 15:2 - 34
12 / 11 (Hebrew) *** 2 / 10 / 2025 (christian)
TS'M HADASSAH "Esther" Fast of Hadassah "Esther" Shm't (Exodus) 32:11 - 14, 34:1 - 10, Yeshiyh (Isaiah) 55:6 - 56:8 12 / 14 (Hebrew) *** 2 / 13 / 2025 (christian)
PURIM Lots (story of Sovereigness Hadassah "Queen Esther") Shm't (Exodus) 17:8 - 16, Hadassah (Esther), Tehillim (Psalms) 3:3, Ibrim (Hebrews) 11 12 / 15 (Hebrew) *** 2 / 14 / 2025 (christian)
WA YELECH and he went D'barim (Deuteronomy) 31:1 - 30, H'shea (Hosea) 14:2 - 10, Mikah (Micah) 7:18 - 20
12 / 22 (Hebrew) *** 2 / 21 / 2025 (christian)
HAAZINU give ear! D'barim (Deuteronomy) 32:1 - 52SHABBAT PARAH Cow (red heifers ashes purify for Pesach) Bemidbar (Numbers) 19:1 - 22, Yehezqiyh (Ezekiel) 36:16 - 36
12 / 29 (Hebrew) *** 2 / 28 / 2025 (christian)
WZ'T BRACHAH and this the favor D'barim (Deuteronomy) 33:1 - 34:12, YHshua (Joshua) 1:1 - 18, Haz'n (Revelation) 21:9 - 22:5SHABBAT HA H'DESH the month Shm't (Exodus) 12:1 - 20, Yehezqiyh (Ezekiel) 45:16 - 46:15
Current Time Chart

We here at the Remnant Ministry do not always embrace all the views expressed by the links we share with you, but feel that each website has something of value to offer our brothers and sisters.
We would appreciate your input. If there are any relevant websites we are not aware of, please contact us at TheRemnantMinistry@msn.com and let us know. We will be glad to post them.
Information about YHWH
Information about the Government
Current Events/Breaking News/Interesting Articles
Read what the pope has to say about YHWH. Go to the catholic news agency at this link and read the latest!
Then read what the Virginian-Pilot (Read Virginian Pile-of-it!) Newspaper had to say in a hit piece they did about the Remnant Ministry!
Publication: The Virginian-Pilot; Date: Sep 26, 2006; Section: Daily Break; Page: 51
Health Information
A Little Something for the Sisters:
Here are some links to help you around the home and garden. These Websites offer great tips on sewing and recipes, where to buy herbs for home remedies, information on toxic cosmetics and where to buy safe ones. Several of them offer free newsletters. Enjoy!
Audio Archives
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Brother Philip![]() (757) 287-2771 listen |
Brother Rick![]() (757) 233-8640 listen |
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Brother Philip
Brother Allan
Email: TheRemnantMinistry@msn.com |
Mail: The Remnant Ministry P.O. Box 12514 Norfolk, VA 23541 |